Make Over Your Mornings: Day 1 & 2

November 16, 2015

Let me start by saying – I am already a morning person.  I love getting up early before everyone and I am a big believer you can get so much more done in the mornings than you can the rest of the day. in college I always signed up for those 7am classes and my husband thought I was crazy! But there is a huge difference between knowing something is good for you and actually doing it.  Lately I have found myself really needing some extra motivation to get up early and start my day the right way.  Sure, I still might be getting up early – but it hasn’t always the right way if that makes sense.

I’ve been wanting to sign up for Crystal Paine’s Make Over Your Morning class for a couple months.  After (more than a couple) days this month of feeling feeling behind and frazzled in the mornings, I finally decided to break down and do it.

I really need some accountability for this course.  So one of my goals this week is to work through a lesson each day and blog about my progress. 

Day One:  Day one was pretty simple to me.  Once I signed up for the course, I printed out the workbook.  You can also just read along with the file.  I’m a paper person.  I still have a paper planner and calendar.  I still love making paper to-do lists every morning.  And I have a kindle and read on it all the time, but I really prefer paper books.  You get the idea. 🙂

Anyway – so day one was super easy for me.  I didn’t even wake up early to do it.  One of my favorite quotes: 

 ”Making over your morning is simply a way to ensure you have more time and energy for the things that matter most: caring for your family, serving in a ministry, staring your won business, learning a new skill, or taking time to refresh and refuel yourself.”  -Crystal Paine, Make Over Your Morning, Day 1


Day Two:
So confession -I started day one and then it was the weekend so I took off two days. But it’s Monday and a great time to start anew!  I woke up at my time I picked in day one and worked on my class this morning.  It felt good to start the morning right.  Day two for me is something that I’m good with on certain days and let go on certain days – a nighttime routine.  A good day always starts the night before.  I really know this – I try and do this every Saturday night since we have church at 9am on Sunday mornings and sometimes early morning meetings before that.  I know that it runs smoother if you prepare.  A couple things that I want to work on at night to help me be prepared in the morning is the kids lunches.  It’s not so stressful if I already look up the lunch schedule and know if I need to pack a lunch or not.  I think working one this one simple thing this week will really help my mornings not feel so rushed.

I also have to say – I love the printables that go along with the workbook.  So helpful!

What is something that you could change and do at night to prepare for the next morning? Leave me a comment and let me know.

You can take the first day of this course and try it out by entering your email here.  I would love to know what you think!  If you want to take it along with me click here to get started! 

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