Make Over Your Evenings: Day 4

May 5, 2016

“I do good things instead of doing the important things I should be doing.”

Does that sound familiar? Sadly, I think this sums me up a lot of the time.  I’m not making bad choices, I just am not maybe making the best choices. In the lesson during day four we focus on learning character flaws – and picking an area of our life to work on.  As I read through the lesson this day and watched the video I couldn’t help but think about the good, better, best talk I heard a few years ago. I am not always good at practicing this, but it is always something that I think about and try to work on.

good better best

I’ve been reading a lot about habits and happiness lately too.  Yesterday I was listening to a podcast and the guest pointed out that focusing on small habits can lead to bigger changes.  We need to be better at celebrating the small changes.  I might not be able to make a huge change to my evening routine in the 14 days that I take this course, but I can make a plan and set those small actions in motion to make a bigger impact later.  Crystal even points that out in this lesson:

“Focus on small things, habits that don’t require a lot of effort or time to pull off.  Little tweaks and changes can add up to big changes over time.”

We end day four with a project to make a plan on action – to decide one small change we are are going to work on.  I am making a goal to turn off social media after 9pm.  This might sound silly to some, but I know it’s something that will really help me, and something that is going to be a challenge too!

Yesterday I mentioned in my post how much I really love the resource section of each lesson.  Today’s lesson is no different  All three links are ones that I love.  Crystal suggested reading The Power of Habit and I’ve been reading it this weekend.  It’s a really interesting book and I have learned a lot from it.  You can click on the picture or link and grab a copy from Amazon.  If you are interested in habits and the way that we think this is a really fascinating book to read and learn from.

Do you have a habit that you want to change?  What is one small thing that you could work on that would make a big difference in your life?

And if you haven’t already and want to follow along, grab a copy of Make Over Your Evenings by clicking the image below.


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