Friday Five

October 21, 2016

Loving that it’s fall break here! Monday we picked 14! pumpkins from our garden and they are now on our porch busy turning orange. We didn’t think that was too shabby of a crop since we didn’t plant them until July! And if you want to judge me that my little 3 year old is still in her pajamas, go right ahead.  I’m over it.  It’s so nice to not have to be running kids everywhere for a few days.  We didn’t have any major trips or things planned, just some days we could spend at home and playing catch up. So far so good!  Last night we had a movie night and watched the second Hobbit movie.  My cute 3 year old danced around most of the night and didn’t pat a lot of attention to the movie, but when she did, she would say “my one eye is scared, and my other eye is brave…so I watch with the brave one!”  What a good way to look at life.  I’m a little bit scared, but I’m going with brave here.  Let’s always choose the little bit brave!

Here are my friday five things I’m loving on this week…

  1. Halloween Party Radio on Pandora….

2. My cute friend gave me the best necklace ever!  I love it…it kinda goes with everything I wear, right?

3. LulaRoe Lindsay. I love all things LulaRoe actually…but this Lindsay is perfect for fall! It’s the perfect cardigan for this weather and feels like wrapping up in a nice cozy blanket, but looks a little nicer than that 😉  This almost 10 year old boy I love too…

4. Usborne books are always a hit at my house.  And my 7 year old daughter LOVES these books.  She loves writing stories and creating books.  I love reading her stories and watching her creative mind at work.

5. And last, but not least, I am loving this quote that I read in an article this week.  It is SO true and has given me so much to think about.


So what do you think?

Have any fall favorites that you want to share with me?

Is it fall break where you are at?

What are some of your favorites this week?


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