Friday Five

November 10, 2016

What a week it has been! All I really have to share about this week, is what I also told my kids.  Be kind. I select a theme every year and this year the theme that I went with for the year was just that….Be Kind.

Wouldn’t this world be a better place if we just added little bit more kindness to our days?  What if we gave everyone the benefit of the doubt.  What if instead of complaining, we just believed that everyone was just doing the best that they can. Some of us have battles that are easy to see.  And some of us have battles on the inside.  Things we don’t talk about.  Everyone has something.  No one is except.  But kindness.  Kindness can help so much.  We might not be able to control our circumstances.  We might not be able to control what others are feeling- and everyone deserves the right to their own feelings.  But what we can control is how we react.  And we can react with kindness. When it comes between being right and being kind, what if we chose kind?

I told my kids Wednesday morning that no matter what they can choose kindness.  If my kids remember anything that I ever teach them, I want it to be this.  Be kind.

And now – my top five favorites from the week:

  1. This quote – a friend shared it and it has really stuck with me all week….


2. My 4 year old and I went to the book store one afternoon this week – and guess what is right next door to the bookstore?  The pet store!  We kinda fell in love with these cute kittens…this has nothing to do with running, or reading…but we sure had a fun time playing with them!

3. These are small – but the kids and are I kinda in love with Boomerang app…

4. These books – Do Princesses Wear Hiking Boots and Do Princesses Scrape Their Knees? by Carmela LaVigna Coyle. My mother in law gave these to my oldest daughter years ago and now that she is no long with us, they mean even more.  They are easy to read and perfect for reading out loud with their rhyming and rhythmic words.  And the messages – SO encouraging and uplifting for my girls.  We will be adding more books by her to our Christmas list for sure!  Got a little girl in your house?  These should be on your list too!

5. My new book came yesterday!  I’m anxious to see what I think of Stephanie Meyers new book, The Chemist.  I read a few pages last night and I think it will be good.  I loved Twilight, but The Host was just so-so for me.  I can’t wait to read more  – do you think my family will mind having dirty laundry for a few more days?  I really want to dive in!


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