

Change of Plans

This week is a little bit of a mixed up week. I usually work at our office on Mondays and Thursdays.  But this week I'm working Monday/Friday instead. It's really not a big deal, but we've also had parent teacher conferences, working…

Book Review: Dear Mr. Knightley

 Dear Mr. KnightleyKatherine Reay336 pagesKindle editionFrom the Publisher: Samantha Moore has always hidden behind the words of others―namely, her favorite characters in literature. Now, she will learn to write her own story―by giving that story to a complete stranger.Sam is, to…

Book Review: Lord Fenton’s Folly

Lord Fenton's FollyJosi Kilpack336 pagesARC through NetGalleyFrom the Publisher:Lord Fenton is a gambler, a dandy, and a flirt-and he must marry or else he will be disinherited, stripped of his wealth and his position. He chooses Alice Stanbridge for two…

Weekly Wrap Up: 30

I  hit 100 miles in September!  Because of some things going on, I  had to switch up my running time last week and ran mostly at night on the treadmill.  I'm not sure it's my favorite thing, but it's still…

Friday Five

Today I thought for my friday five I would share 5 ebooks that I've read recently. These are all books shorter than 100 pages, and most of the time free.  I love downloading these little books here and there.  …

Book Review: Just Show Up

Just Show UpKara Tippetts, Jill Lynn, Buteyn192 pagesARC through NetGalleyFrom the Publisher:Kara Tippetts’s story was not a story of disease, although she lost her battle with terminal cancer. It was not a story of saying goodbye, although she was intentional…

Book Review: Good Pictures Bad Pictures

Good Pictures Bad Pictures Kristan Jensen, Debbie Fox, Gail Poyner 60 pages Kindle EditionFrom the Publisher:Good Pictures Bad Pictures is a comfortable, read-aloud story about a mom and dad who teach their child what pornography is, why it's dangerous, and how to reject it. Using easy-to-understand science and simple…

Weekly Wrap Up: 29

Busy week last week.  Just keeping up with everyone and life. My total mileage last week was 23.68 miles.  Not too bad.I needed to run a 12 mile run sometime in the next couple week to get ready for my next half. So…

Friday Five

Five of my fall favorites this week: 1. Fall running gear!  With fall it's been darker and darker outside. This year my sister got some Knuckle Lights and she let me borrow them for a run a couple weeks ago.  I found…

Fall Book Swap

I'm so excited it's now officially fall!  I love the cooler weather and all that it brings - blankets and hot chocolate and sweaters!  For me, not much is better than a good book, a nice quilt and a good…