Phew - May is here already and before life gets any crazier than it already is, I better post about the books that I read in April. I finished 7 books in April, and my total for the year is…
May 9, 2019
What I’ve Been Reading: April

May 9, 2019
Phew - May is here already and before life gets any crazier than it already is, I better post about the books that I read in April. I finished 7 books in April, and my total for the year is…
January 10, 2019
December was a big month! I was a little nervous I wouldn't be able to make my 100 goal, but then once school got out and we had a couple lazy days I was able to really just sit and…
January 10, 2019
November was busy, and not the best month for reading. We have two family birthdays, I had a trip with the elementary school, on top of thanksgiving, family in town and the usual holiday good stuff! That being said, I…
October 18, 2018
Phew! It's no secret I let this blog go every once in a happens and it has! I need to play catch up now and post about what I've been reading. Here are a few of my favorites from…
June 7, 2018
Phew! Summer is officially here now and hopefully I can catch my breath. April and May are always super busy. We have all been looking forward to some lazy months full of swimming, reading and playing outside. Before we get…
April 12, 2018
Just a little delayed, I thought I would share some of my recent reads from March - okay...some are from April too, because I'm awesome like that. Regardless of when I read them, these are a few that I liked…
March 1, 2018
Oh man! February was a rough one around my house. It seemed like once we got one kid better, another kid got something else. It's been a month full of fevers, coughs, colds and ear infections. My preschooler missed a…
January 30, 2018
Hello Again Strangers! Oh, how I didn't mean to leave my blog hanging for that long. I really have been meaning to blog more often, if you could see my daily to-do list you could see it has been listed…