Better late than never, I am finally getting around to posting about the 8 goals I am setting for myself in 2018. I set these for myself in January, and I wrote them down in my planner (more on that…
February 15, 2018
2018 Goals

February 15, 2018
Better late than never, I am finally getting around to posting about the 8 goals I am setting for myself in 2018. I set these for myself in January, and I wrote them down in my planner (more on that…
November 25, 2017
Who needs some motivation this time of year to keep moving? I know I do! Last year I was inspired by my friend Tracy, at Working Mom's Balance, to do a holiday running streak. This year I am going in…
November 22, 2017
Who loves Black Friday? For years I loved the tradition of going out early with my mom and braving the crowds. But times are changing, I find my black Friday habits changing to more and more online shopping. If you…
November 7, 2017
I realized today that there are only 48 days until Christmas! Woah! That means it will be here before I know it! One thing that I've been working on this year is just becoming an overall healthier person - mentally,…
October 26, 2017
I've been busy reading and not blogging during October. :) It all started when I got Sarah M. Eden's newest book in the mail..... Of course, I loved it. (why would I not?) I love the Jonquil brothers and couldn't…
October 18, 2017
Cold weather is here! We haven't even had snow yet, but my kids have already burned through two Costco size containers of hot chocolate! We had a little math lesson the other day and I made them figure out how…
September 28, 2017
Just the other day I was having a discussion with my kids about school. One of them was counting down the days until he could be "DONE" with school....he included college in his count, which made me proud. But I…
September 21, 2017
Today is day 11 in the Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon challenge. And I have to admit, it's been refreshing to actually focus on reading for a few days! Not that I've ever needed an excuse to read - but this…
September 14, 2017
Never say never - because Saturday I accomplished a huge goal and ran my first marathon! I still can't believe I did it. Training and preparing for a marathon is NO joke, that's one reason I've been putting it off.…
August 10, 2017
Let me start by saying: I'm not an expert. Heck - I haven't even RAN my race yet. If I were to give you my qualifications so far we have: I've been running for about 4 years, I've run 10…