Better late than never, I'm getting around to posting about my favorites from 2017. I'll be honest, 2017 was kinda a strange reading year for me. I was barely able to reach my "100 books in a year" goal, it…
February 1, 2018
Best of 2017

February 1, 2018
Better late than never, I'm getting around to posting about my favorites from 2017. I'll be honest, 2017 was kinda a strange reading year for me. I was barely able to reach my "100 books in a year" goal, it…
November 25, 2017
Who needs some motivation this time of year to keep moving? I know I do! Last year I was inspired by my friend Tracy, at Working Mom's Balance, to do a holiday running streak. This year I am going in…
November 22, 2017
Who loves Black Friday? For years I loved the tradition of going out early with my mom and braving the crowds. But times are changing, I find my black Friday habits changing to more and more online shopping. If you…
November 7, 2017
I realized today that there are only 48 days until Christmas! Woah! That means it will be here before I know it! One thing that I've been working on this year is just becoming an overall healthier person - mentally,…
October 18, 2017
Cold weather is here! We haven't even had snow yet, but my kids have already burned through two Costco size containers of hot chocolate! We had a little math lesson the other day and I made them figure out how…
September 14, 2017
Never say never - because Saturday I accomplished a huge goal and ran my first marathon! I still can't believe I did it. Training and preparing for a marathon is NO joke, that's one reason I've been putting it off.…
August 10, 2017
Let me start by saying: I'm not an expert. Heck - I haven't even RAN my race yet. If I were to give you my qualifications so far we have: I've been running for about 4 years, I've run 10…
July 12, 2017
I've been sitting pretty darn close to 500 likes for a while over on my Facebook page. So this week I decided to have a little fun with it! You can click here to find my page (or the icon…
July 6, 2017
The past 3 years I've made the goal to read 100 books each year - and each year I've crushed that goal. This year, however, I decided I was going to let that go and see what happened. I was…
February 10, 2017
I haven't posted a Friday Five for a while - life has been busy and crazy! But this morning my little and I are enjoying the most lazy morning ever and so I thought I would share 5 little things…