Because we were spending Saturday morning throwing a birthday party for our now 11 year old, (Where did the time go!?) I didn’t have time to run outside. By Saturday afternoon it was snowing, so I’m glad I went the get-up-early-use-the-treadmill route. Maybe not as therapeutic as a run outside with friends, but a good run either way.
I am not going to lie. The first couple miles were horrible. I don’t know what was going on with me, but mile 1-5 were the hardest ones. I really just wanted to sit down and quit after mile one! mile one! I felt a little backwards because my legs and body really started feeling better by mile 7. Miles 7-10 felt good. But I kept it slow, the entire time. I’m not the fastest runner. In fact most of the time I had this thought going through my mind.
Here are two good finds from this weekend. One from Pinterest. Entirely true. Another my sister sent me, and I think I need to order for my race this summer.
Monday, 6 miles
Tuesday, 5 miles
Wednesday, 2.5 miles
Thursday, 2.5 miles
Friday, rest day (which always makes me laugh a little when I type it, because with 5 kids I never get a rest day…it was just a day I didn’t run)
Saturday, 10 miles
Total miles 26!
One mile over my goal of 25.
This upcoming week I’m shooting for another 25 miles.
This month I will need to remember to look at monthly total the last day of the I’m not crazy and 2 miles short of 100.