What I’ve Been Reading: November

January 10, 2019

November was busy, and not the best month for reading. We have two family birthdays, I had a trip with the elementary school, on top of thanksgiving, family in town and the usual holiday good stuff! That being said, I read 6 books. I’m going to share just two of my favorites with you today….but both are series, so it’s really like sharing the love of much, much more than two books!

reading mid-flight during our school trip to Atlanta

Flavia De Luce Novels, by Alan Bradley.

Where has this series been? I’ve been watching a few murder/mystery British shows on Amazon lately ( Endeavour, Father Brown, Grantchester) so when I happened across this series in the library it was like I had hit a jack pot. This series is SO cleaver!

The series takes place in the 1950’s in England where Flavia, our 11 year old protagonist, lives in her once-grand mansion of Buckshaw, with her father and two sisters. Flavia has a knack for chemistry and is one of the wittiest characters I have read. Plus, I kinda just want to read the series because I am fascinated that a man can write an eleven year old girl character so well. I want to keep reading because I am curious to see how this develops as she gets older, can he stay true to the character? I read books one through three in November. I put the series down for a bit, but have recently picked it up again. I think it’s a super easy series to do that with, the characters are pretty memorable. Clean, interesting, super witty – these books are totally entertaining!

Marrying Miss Milton by Ashtyn Newbold is the second book in the Brides of Birghton series that Newbold is currently working on. I loved this book and that it also had some appearances from a few of the characters from the first book – although you could read them out of order if you choose to do so. Newbold is one of my favorite new authors that I found this year, she is clean and fun, but her books aren’t fluffy either. Both books in this series are Kindle Unlimited books, so if you are member of that, you should totally take advantage and look these up!


There you have it! My November books! But really, since both are series, it’s much much more! Seriously, take a look at both of these book series and let me know what you thin! I would love to hear what you think!

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