Summer is here! The kids finished their last day of school yesterday. We now have 8th, 5th, 3rd, 2nd and PreK behind us. I can't believe that next year I'll have one in high school and all five kids in…
June 1, 2018
Summer Reading List

June 1, 2018
Summer is here! The kids finished their last day of school yesterday. We now have 8th, 5th, 3rd, 2nd and PreK behind us. I can't believe that next year I'll have one in high school and all five kids in…
April 12, 2018
Just a little delayed, I thought I would share some of my recent reads from March - okay...some are from April too, because I'm awesome like that. Regardless of when I read them, these are a few that I liked…
March 1, 2018
Oh man! February was a rough one around my house. It seemed like once we got one kid better, another kid got something else. It's been a month full of fevers, coughs, colds and ear infections. My preschooler missed a…
February 1, 2018
Better late than never, I'm getting around to posting about my favorites from 2017. I'll be honest, 2017 was kinda a strange reading year for me. I was barely able to reach my "100 books in a year" goal, it…
January 30, 2018
Hello Again Strangers! Oh, how I didn't mean to leave my blog hanging for that long. I really have been meaning to blog more often, if you could see my daily to-do list you could see it has been listed…
September 28, 2017
Just the other day I was having a discussion with my kids about school. One of them was counting down the days until he could be "DONE" with school....he included college in his count, which made me proud. But I…
September 21, 2017
Today is day 11 in the Tackle Your TBR Read-a-thon challenge. And I have to admit, it's been refreshing to actually focus on reading for a few days! Not that I've ever needed an excuse to read - but this…
September 11, 2017
I'm so excited! This year has been rough on my reading list and I'm way behind where I'm usually at. But the fall weather is here - and my marathon training is over - so I think I'll finally have…
July 6, 2017
The past 3 years I've made the goal to read 100 books each year - and each year I've crushed that goal. This year, however, I decided I was going to let that go and see what happened. I was…
February 1, 2017
Well, it's February! January was what I like to refer to as my month of non-commitment. I started so many great books in January, and I'm really not sure what my problem was, but I was only able to finish…