New Beginnings & a Winner

  I'm embarking on a new adventure. After blogging with Blogger and Weebly I am now taking the plunge and converting my blog to WordPress.  It has been a big learning curve.  But a change I believe I will enjoy…

Family Reading Time

A few weeks ago I had a good friend ask me about how our family finds time for reading.  This was a great question!  I don't think we are experts, but I can share with you how and what works…

Book Review: Until the Dawn

  Until the Dawn Elizabeth Camden 352 pages kindle edition From the Publisher: A volunteer for the newly established Weather Bureau, Sophie van Riijn needs access to the highest spot in her village to report the most accurate readings. Fascinated…

Hello 2016

2016 is here! We had a pretty low key New Year's around here.  The kids were sick so instead of our normal party we normally throw, we watched some movies and played some video games as a family, and the…

2015 In Review

2015 was pretty good to us.  We had some moments, but we've definitely had worse.  There's no better time, then the last day of the year, to review my goals from last year and see how I did. (more…)