Long Overdue Running Update; training & plans

March 7, 2019

Phew…it’s been a SUPER long time since I’ve posted an update about running. I figured it was about time, right? When I gave myreadingspot a facelift in 2014 I started included running posts. I just haven’t been too great at it lately.

Last year (because I have to start there, since I haven’t posted that long right?) I was able to accomplish my goal of 4 half marathons. But I’ll be honest. My running was pretty inconsistent. I was kinda all over the place and my half times were fine, but nothing stellar. In December I got this idea that I was going to run 5 miles on M/W/F/S and take T/Th/S off and NOT feel bad or guilty at all for not running those days. I had been struggling finding a balance and knowing what and when to run, and this approach really helped. Actually I really enjoyed it! I think I’ll go back to it often.

Motivational Posters For Runners | Runner's World

January rolled around and I knew I would need to/should set some sort of running goals for 2019. And because I’ve decided running a marathon is like a baby for 30-40 year olds and it’s been 1.5 years… I started to think about doing another one. My husband says this logic (the marathon/baby) is crazy but I really do think it’s true, are you with me? I checked out dates for all kinds of races throughout the state but ultimately decided and signed up for the Utah Valley Marathon. I ran the half four years ago….with a running bandit and got hugged by a strange man at the end of the race….(you can read my race re-cap by clicking here).

Training officially started at the end of January. And if you didn’t already know, I am a big wimp in the cold and I really don’t mind my treadmill. So I will probably be on that watching my Netflix shows until spring…. but last week I was finally able to run outside – and my favorite running route where I feel like I live in the country (although I don’t)! It was perfect timing since I had 12 miles to go that day. (And I love my treadmill, but not THAT much) I accidentally stopped my Garmin at 6.5 miles so I decided to just run another 6.5 to make sure I got it all in. And then I laid around like a big slug the rest of the day – and my legs really felt it the next day. HA! I didn’t set out that morning expecting a half marathon!

Good thing this week was a little less miles for the long run (9). Although next week my long run jumps back up to 14 !!! Eik!

A couple things I’m switching up this time around: a spring race means that I can train while my kids are at school. I am kinda really really loving this! When I ran Big Cottonwood I had to train over the summer and my kids were home the entire time. I felt guilty taking so much time away for runs, or naps after my runs (HA!) and they would say to me near the end of my training…do you have to go for ANOTHER run mom? But now since my youngest is in half a day kindergarten, I think I can most of my runs in the school time frame if I needed too, without getting up at 4am either!

Another thing I am experimenting with this time around is my fuel during long runs. Gu used to work just fine for me, but I’ve noticed it really upsets my stomach lately so I’ve been trying new things. So far I’ve found eating half an uncrustable sandwich works pretty good, or even an applesauce pouch! But neither have caffeine, which sounds silly but makes me a little sad! I would love to hear if you have any suggestions.

Another thing I’ve changed so far in my training is doing my long runs on Monday instead of Saturday. My husband is off on Mondays so it works great and it’s pretty nice just having a small run left on Saturday at the end of the week.

Remember that book I read once, Eat that Frog? It was one of my favorite non-fiction books in 2016 (and in the 120 pages I probably used 100 post it flags) I think of it every Monday as I kick out the hardest thing of my week. I love getting that long run out of the way.

And with almost 6 weeks down, I still have a GOLIATH in front of me. I might not ever be fastest, but slow and steady I’ll get there. June 1st. Ready or not!

Have you been running this year? Made any running goals? Share with me in comments about fuel ideas, schedule ideas, how to fit in long runs! I need all the advice!

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